Author: Miha

Economic crisis, protests, lockdowns, government, vaccine, and some other words, which describe year 2020. Worldwide virus, which, as scientist say, comes from Wuhan, China. But is vaccine going to save our lives or not?

Picture 1: Virus vaccine
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

What COVID-19 has brought to us so far?

We are flooded by thousands and thousands information about coronavirus. How come we have not become insane already? There is so many information and we cannot be sure, what to believe anymore. COVID-19 does not seem to be liked by people. In some countries, it has brought protests, human to hate another human, to be disguised by each other, stopped our social life, economy collab and much more. Are we trying to have negative situation? Many people have now got the chance, to rebuild some relationship, to have time for activities and some are happy about being ‘forced’ to stay at home.

Vaccine yes or no?

A lot of people are questioning about vaccine- yes or no, but should we believe government and scientist or not? Currently, there are different companies, all promising with a at least 90% of success to fight against coronavirus. These companies are: Moderna (94,5%), Pfizer (90%), BioNTech (90%), AstraZeneca, University of Oxford, and Russian institute Gamaleja (more than 90%). AstraZeneca and University of Oxford are still in a phase of development. Scientists are not reporting about any side effect, only about redness, pain around the spot, where vaccine was inserted and increase of a temperature for a few days. (Source:

Slovenia vs other Europe countries

In Slovenia of the 527 respondents, 16 percent said they would definitely get vaccinated and 28 percent said they would probably get vaccinated. 31 percent of them think that they would probably not be vaccinated, but 26 percent of respondents will certainly not be vaccinated. The ratio in terms of vaccination intent is therefore 43: 57 in the ‘negative ’direction.

Compared to other Europe countries which have more ‘positive’ directions, here are some statistics:

Picture 2: Willingness to be vaccinated against the coronavirus by country


The latest studies are showing that the virus was present on Italian volunteers…

It is known that the first active case was found in China in December of 2019. Latest Italian scientist confirmed, the coronavirus anti-bodies were found in some of their participants, who volunteered on some lungs cancer research, on September last year, which means, they had coronavirus probably on August 2019, because 14 of them, had anti-bodies from September last year. They had to stop doing the research, when the lockdown happened, this was at the beginning of March. (Source:

When will all of this be over?

I believe, that we are all tired of stressing out on news, orders from government and social distance, but if all of the people come together as one, we can and we certainly will beat this pandemic period.





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