Author: Teja

Violence against women is a universal phenomenon. We can see it in every culture, region, country and social class. According to the FRA (European union agency for fundamental rights) survey on violence against women, one in three women has experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15. Of 31% of women in the EU experienced one of more acts of physical violence.  11% has been a victim of sexual violence. 5% has been raped since the age of 15. (

In 2017 there were 38 reported rapes of man in Slovenia. Its interesting because in England and Wales there were over 48 thousand rapes of women in 2017. Does Slovenian girls even report rapes? (

I have met and talked to a Slovenian girl who was not a victim of rape, but she has come across of different kind of abuse.

This girl deserves the whole world. On this planet are people just like her. Broken. I want to tell you a part of her story so you will understand how important talking with someone is. For the purpose of this article we will name the victim Kristina.

A little over 20 years ago a girl was born. Little baby girl. She already had a big sister, brother, mother and father and her grandparents. Later her family increased. The girl became a big sister and one hell of a good aunt. We know they truly loved her since the beginning. But something braked on the way. She grown up to this beautiful long blond girl with sweet lips and a big heart. I will tell you her story, a story that no one knows, because it is happening behind the close doors of beautiful, big and worm home.

Deep down we all know that her father loves her, he loves his family more than anything. But health is a big factor for what is happening to them.  Her father is sick. She was abused by him all her life. He told her that she is useless, whore, stupid, lazy, incapable of anything, disgusting and a lot more. His words braked her. She is in this big black hole and she thinks she is uncappable of getting out. His words pushed her to the same hole. Only words had done a lifetime damage. Because of these words, she thinks that she doesn’t have a future. She blames herself that she gave up and not finished her school. She was visiting a recognized school in Slovenia. Even though Kristina moved away from home, his words haunt her. She is going everywhere with them. She is the best possible sister to her younger sibling, she is teaching her about what is right and what is wrong, about what their father did to her and she is teaching her that she will never be alone, that she can always count on her big sister.

Did you notice something? Even though she has been to hell and back she will always put her family and her friends in front of her. She will make her friends laugh, she will sing with them all the bad songs, she will tell them jokes, she will cry with them and she will be their warmth and kindness. Her friends can’t give her everything she gave them but they try to. They push her to be the best version of herself, to be kind, to love, to be loved, to grow in this awesome girl who will show her father that she is better than him, that she didn’t give up. Words hurts most in the world but she is stronger. This girl deserves the whole world.

If you know someone who is dealing with that kind of stuff at home or at school. Or you find yourself in this the same position. Call someone you trust, call local police or social service and don’t give up, you got this. You deserve a world too.